Frequently Asked Questions
The Orange County Hair Transplant Center and Dr. David Nejat-Bina are here to help you learn the facts about our hair restorative treatments.
If you don’t see the answer to your questions, just give us a call and we’ll be happy to answer your questions and discuss an appropriate treatment plan for you.
Am I a candidate for a hair transplant?
Who are the best hair transplant candidates?
Am I too young to have a hair transplant?
What are micrografts?
How does the micro surgery work?
What is the difference between medical hair loss management and surgical hair restoration?
Will my hair transplant surgery be noticeable?
Is the procedure painful?
How soon after my transplant procedure can I return to my daily routine?
How will my transplant look years from now?
Can I afford a hair transplant?
What are the pros and cons of hair transplants?
How is the Orange County Hair Transplant Center different than other practices?
What is the difference between hair loss in men and hair loss in women?